Export Reviewer Files from S1M

Save the decision letter or peer review reports for a submission as PDF files.


  1. Locate the required submission record in ScholarOne.
  2. On the submission record, click Manuscript Information.
  3. To save a decision letter as a PDF file, do the following:
    1. On the Manuscript Information tab, under Version History, click view decision letter.
      A new window will open that displays the decision letter.
    2. In the new window, click Print.
      The window will display the web browser's print dialog.
    3. Use the browser's print dialog to save the decision letter as a PDF file on your device.
      Note: By default, the file will not have a unique file name. As a best practice, it is recommended to name the files clearly, including the ScholarOne manuscript ID of the previous submission and the file type, for example, APTEST-2022-00066-DecisionLetter.pdf
    4. Click Close Window to close the decision letter window.
  4. To save reviewer reports as PDF files, do the following:
    1. On the Manuscript Information tab, under Reviewer List, click View Review.
      A new window will open that displays the reviewer report.
    2. In the new window, click Print.
    3. Use the browser's print dialog to save the reviewer report as a PDF file on your device.
      Note: By default, the file will not have a unique file name. As a best practice, it is recommended to name the files clearly, including ScholarOne manuscript ID of the previous submission and the file type, for example, APTEST-2022-00066-ReviewerReport1. If there are multiple reviewer report files, use a unique number in the file name to identify each file, for example, name the second reviewer file APTEST-2022-00066-ReviewerReport2 and so on.
    4. Click Close Window to close the reviewer report window.

What to do next

Check the Peer Review Files of a Transferred Submission