Check the Submission Summary in S1M

Custom questions that are checked during submission validation appear in the Submission Summary in ScholarOne Manuscripts (S1M).

About this task

You can check the Submission Summary depending on your journal’s specific workflow. If you normally check a custom question before taking an action, you should check the Submission Summary and, if the question is not present, check the rest of the Manuscript Information tab.
Note: If the question still cannot be found, contact the Managing Editor.


Select the Manuscript Information tab, just below the author details.
The Submission Summary displays, including custom questions and submission file details.

The word count included in the Number of words field of the Submission Summary is based on the main body of the manuscript. It excludes header information, appendixes, supporting information, tables, object captions, and references. However, it includes the abstract, Conflict of Interest, Funding information, and acknowledgments sections.

The Number of figures field displays the number of objects in the manuscript that have a label of figure, schema, or algorithm.

The Number of tables displays the number of objects in the manuscript that have a label of table.