Keywords (Free Text)
Journals can collect author-supplied, free-text keywords by including this question.
The Author Portal system attempts to automatically extract a keywords list from the supplied manuscript. Author Portal only extracts terms that are labeled as keywords: or other synonyms. It does not attempt to generate keywords based on the content. If no keyword elements are found, the default state is empty.
If keywords were found, they are prepopulated in the response field.
The instruction text will reflect the configuration of the journal, indicating that the question is either optional, or the min/max number of keywords configured for this journal.
In the Admin Tool, the minimum and maximum number of keywords can be configured for a specific journal. A 0 (zero) in the From field will make this question optional. Any number greater than 0 will set the minimum required number of keywords. The To field sets the maximum number of permitted keywords, up to a system limit of 10.