Create a New Journal

Before you begin

You must have Super User or Tenant Super User administrative permissions to create a new publication.


  1. Open the Admin Dashboard and click Create journal.
    The Create journal popup is displayed. The Platform field is set to ScholarOne Manuscripts by default.
  2. Enter a Journal code that will be used to uniquely identify the Author Portal space for this publication.
    This code will be appended to the URL to create publication submissions, for example:


    Where {journalcode} is the code of the journal.
  3. In the Journal name field, enter the full name of the publication.
  4. Complete the required details in the following tabs and click Save changes on each tab:
  5. To finalize the configuration details and publish them:
    1. Select Publish Changes.
    2. Choose the peer review or external environment from the External environment dropdown, and click Save.
    3. Click Publish journal.


The new publication appears in the list of publications on the Journals tab of the Admin Tool ({publishername} in alphabetical order, or can be accessed using the submission's URL, {publishername}{journalcode}.