File extension is restricted

The submission fails with ScholarOne error code 89.

Why it happens

The submission includes files that have a file extension that is specified as restricted in ScholarOne.

To resolve


  1. To resolve the issue by altering your ScholarOne configuration to allow all file types, do the following:
    1. In ScholarOne, go to Support > Configure This Site > 14 Submission Configuration.
    2. Ensure the Submission Group: dropdown is set to All Submission Groups.
    3. Under File Upload, ensure that the File extensions to restrict on upload (separate by ';') field is blank.
      Ensure that the column does not contain any character, including spaces.
    4. Click Save All Changes.
  2. Alternatively, if you want to keep the ScholarOne file type restrictions in place, do the following in Author Portal:
    1. From the Edit journal > File Designations tab, edit the File type restrictions (instruction) text to accurately reflect the allowed file types.
      Perform this step for all applicable file designations and journals.
      Note: This configuration only informs submitters of which file types are allowed, it does not prevent them from uploading files with types that are not allowed.
    2. Save and publish the journal configuration(s).
    3. Advise the submitter, or proxy on their behalf, to delete the restricted files, replace them with allowed files if necessary, and resubmit the manuscript.