Journal Details

Edit journal information such as its e-ISSN and other identifiers from the Edit journal > Basic Information tab.

Before you begin

You must have Tenant/Publisher Super User permissions or higher to edit these settings.


  1. Edit the publication details.
    1. Enter or edit the Site Name.
      For publications with a configuration that was published before this field was introduced, the value of the Site Name field will default to the same value used for the Journal Code field, for example LVH. However, you may enter a different value than the journal code in this field, to more closely match the name of the publication site, for example, EGPOnline.
      Important: Ensure that the journal site name is unique among all site names on your platform, including site names that are not currently associated with a published journal. For example, if you change the site name for a journal from LVH to EGPOnline, then you cannot use either LVH or EGPOnline as the site name for any other journal.

      Author Portal does not check for site name uniqueness when editing the Site Name field, but when you publish the journal configuration from the Publish Changes tab. If the site name is not unique, the following error message will be displayed: The site name already used by other published journal.

    2. Enter or edit the Journal Code.
      For example, LVH.
      Note: The journal code is automatically used in the Link to create a new submission field in the Journal Links section. For example, if you set Journal Code to LVH, the Link to create a new submission will automatically be set to
      For journals, this field is required.
    3. Enter or edit the Journal Title.
      For example, Lavoisier's Head.
      This field is required.
    4. Enter or edit the journal ISSN.
      The field is blank when first creating a new journal.
      This field is required.
    5. Enter or edit the journal e-ISSN.
      The field is blank when first creating a new journal.
      This field is required.
    6. Enter or edit the journal DOI.
      The field is blank when first creating a new journal.
      This field is optional.
    7. Enter or edit the journal EEO External ID.
      This value must correspond to the publication identifier in the EEO, for example, ScholarOne. This value can be, but is not necessarily, the same as the journal code in Author Portal. For example, in the case of ScholarOne, if the URL of the corresponding ScholarOne website is, then enter egp in this field.
      This field is required.
  2. Click Save changes.