Questionnaire for article type '{article type}' and kind 'PreSubmission' should have at least one question

Why it happens…

No submission requirements questions have been selected for the article type from Article Types > Configure Submission Requirements.

To resolve:

  1. In the Article Types tab, locate the article type mentioned in the error message, for example, Research Article, and click Edit.
  2. Click Configure Submission Requirements.
  3. On the next screen, click Add.
  4. From the list of submission requirement questions displayed, click Use question for at least one question.
    Note: If no questions are displayed at this stage, this can be because of one of the following reasons:
    • Submission requirement questions are available for your platform, but none have been added to the journal. Refer to the related information about submission requirements for the required steps.
    • No submission requirement questions have been created for your platform. Refer to the related information about creating submission requirement questions for the required steps.

    Once you have completed either of the above set of steps, continue from this stage to resolve the publication error.

  5. Return to the Publish Changes tab to publish the journal configuration.