Upload Manuscript
File names of files uploaded to Research Exchange Submission should not be longer than 256 characters.
The combined size limit of all files uploaded to Research Exchange Submission is 500 MB.
If you encounter an error during file upload, including the A virus has been found: Remove or replace this file error, delete the uploaded file, and upload a version of the file that is virus-free and within the file name length limit.
For submissions that will be reviewed using double-anonymized peer review, make sure to not include any author-identifying information in your main manuscript(s) files.
If you are not sure which peer review type will be used for a submission, check if Title Page is included under . If a title page is required and the description is similar to the following, the submission will be reviewed using double-anonymized peer review:
The Title Page will not be sent to peer reviewers and
should include your manuscript title, authors' names and affiliations,
address for correspondence including email address, acknowledgements, and
conflict of interest statement.
- If the journal only accepts main manuscript documents in DOC or DOCX format, click Upload and select your main manuscript document.
Alternatively, if the journal also accepts main manuscript document in LaTeX
format, click Add Files and do the following:
Important: The manuscript type you select during initial submission persists during revision. For example, if your initial submission is in DOC or DOCX format, you cannot submit a LaTeX main document during revision.
- Optionally, if you need to delete the manuscript file(s), click the delete icon.
If you are submitting a revision and do not need to upload a new version of
your manuscript, check the I have not made any updates to my main
document box.
Research Exchange Submission will display information about the manuscript file(s) you uploaded during your initial submission below the checkbox.
- If you are submitting a revision, upload a file with your author response to the decision letter in DOC, DOCX, PDF, RTF, or TXT format.
If the submission will be reviewed using double-anonymized peer review, click
, and upload a title page in DOC or DOCX format.
Include the following information in the title page file:
- Title
- Author name(s)
- Author email address(es)
- Author affiliation(s)
The information listed above are the items that Research Exchange Submission can automatically extract from the title page file. However, the journal to which you are submitting may require you to include additional information in the title page file. Make sure to follow the journal's submission guidelines.
Do not include any author-identifying information in the manuscript's main document file.
Provide any conflict of interest (COI) information for the manuscript.
- If none of the authors have a conflict of interest to disclose, check the None of the authors have a conflict of interest to disclose box.
- Alternatively, upload a single conflict of interest statement in PDF, RTF, DOC, or DOCX format.
Optionally, upload any additional manuscript files, such as figures or
The journal may require that you provide a label and/or description for certain files, such as figures.
- Click Confirm.
If you are submitting an initial submission, resubmitting a rejected manuscript, or resuming submission for a returned (unsubmitted) manuscript, click Title.
If you are submitting a revision, click the step that is highlighted under Your Progress. If no other steps require your attention, this will be the Final Review step.