Author Details

  1. For each author name listed in the Author List section, do the following:
    1. If the journal collects author honorific titles, you can specify the appropriate title for each author during initial submission.

      The titles collected are used when addressing authors in email notifications regarding the submission.

      Note: Author honorific titles are collected only during initial submission. While you can update the author titles during the revision stage in Research Exchange Submission, the updated titles will not be taken into account in subsequent email notifications.
    2. Ensure a valid email address is provided.
      The email address cannot be longer than 128 characters.
    3. Choose a value from the Country/Location dropdown.
      You cannot select more than one country/location for each author.
    4. Ensure that the Affiliation(s) field is not blank.
      The Affiliation(s) field for each author is populated with the affiliations selected during the Affiliations submission step.

      If the author has no affiliation, select No Affiliation from the dropdown.

      Alternatively, you can enter new affiliations or edit the existing ones in the Affiliation(s) field.

  2. Select which author is the Corresponding Author.
    You must select one corresponding author for the manuscript. You cannot select more than one.
  3. If the journal collects author contributor roles using the CRediT taxonomy, the Author Details step will include the Author Contributions (CRediT) section, and you can follow these steps to specify author contributor roles.
  4. If necessary, fill out the Submitting Agent section as follows:
    1. If you are an author of the manuscript but your Research Exchange Submission account email address is different than the email address you used in the manuscript, click I'm an Author of this manuscript and select your name from the Author dropdown.
    2. If you are not an author of the manuscript, click I'm not an Author of this manuscript and select your Role from the dopdown.
      If none of the values in the Role dropdown accurately describe your role, select Other... and enter your role in the Role field.
  5. If the journal collects ORCID information from submitting authors, the Author Details page includes the Connect your ORCID iD section, and you can follow these steps to connect your ORCID iD to your Research Exchange Submission account.
  6. If you are submitting a revision and the author list has changed since the initial submission, provide an explanation for the change in the Authorship Changes > Explanation for authorship changes field.
    Note: Reversing the order of an author's first and last names in the manuscript is considered a change to the author list.
    Once you submit a revision that includes authorship changes, all the authors, past and present, as well as the journal's editorial office, will receive an email notification with the authorship change and your explanation for the change.
  7. Click Confirm.
    If you cannot proceed because Research Exchange Submission displays the The following affiliations have not been assigned to an author message, follow these steps.

    If you cannot proceed because Research Exchange Submission displays the You must provide an explanation for changes to the author list message, you must fill in the Explanation for authorship changes field before you can proceed.

You will be redirected back to the Progress Board page for the submission. Under Your Progress, the next step you need to take will be highlighted.
To continue with your submission, click Match Organizations.