Article Type
Select your manuscript's article type from the
dropdown.If this is not an initial submission and the article type you selected during initial submission is no longer available, follow these steps.
If the journal allows authors to select their preferred peer review method,
then in the Select your preferred type of peer review
section select Single anonymized or Double
If you had previously completed this step and selected Single anonymized and also uploaded your manuscript file(s) in the Upload Manuscript step, and are now revisiting this step and select Double anonymized, Research Exchange Submission will prompt you if you want to delete your manuscript file. This is because you need to reupload your manuscript file(s) so that they do not include any author-identifying information. You will upload author-identifying information separately, in a title page file, which will be a required file.
- Check all the boxes for the submission requirement questions.
Click Confirm.
If you cannot proceed to the next submission step after clicking Confirm, follow these steps.