Final Review
The Final Review step allows you to confirm that all the information related to your submission is correct before you submit your manuscript.
If you have questions regarding your submission that aren't answered here, on the Research Exchange Submission help site, you can contact the journal's editorial office.
The information collected during the previous submission steps is presented on the Final Review page as follows:
Final Review Section | Submission Step During Which Information Was Collected |
Article Type | Article Type |
Peer Review Type Note: If the journal does not
allow submitters to select the peer review type, this section is not
included on the Final Review page. |
Article Type |
Title | Title |
Manuscript Files | Upload Manuscript |
Abstract | Abstract |
Authors |
Affiliations |
Submitting Agent | |
Authorship Changes | |
Additional Information | Additional Information |
- Review each section and, if necessary, click Edit to go to the corresponding submission step and make changes.
- If the journal supports creating a reviewer PDF prior to submitting your manuscript, the Build Reviewer PDF option will be available, and you can follow these steps to generate a reviewer PDF for your manuscript.
Once you are satisfied that everything is order in order, click
Complete my submission.
If you are submitting a revision, click Complete my revision.
After you submit your manuscript, your work is sent to experts (peer reviewers) in your field of study in order to gain their insight and suggestions. Reviewers will evaluate the originality and thoroughness of your work, and whether it is a good fit for the journal you have submitted to. There are many forms of peer review, from traditional models like single-anonymized and double-anonymized review to newer models, such as open and transferable review.
The length of the peer review process varies by journal, so check with the editors or the staff of the journal to which you are submitting to for details of the process for that particular journal.
Once a manuscript is accepted, the article appears as Accepted on the My Submissions page, with the date it was submitted and accepted.

Click Show versions, to view the different available versions of the submission. You can also click Review decision letter to open a read-only copy of the acceptance letter.

- If a revision is required, submit a revision.
- If your manuscript has been returned (unsubmitted), resume its submission.
- If your manuscript has been rejected with the option to resubmit, resubmit it.