Something is wrong with my Title

Your manuscript title has not been correctly selected.

Why it happens

Research Exchange is unable to correctly parse your main manuscript document, either due to special formatting in the document such as word art, or for some other reason.

To resolve

  1. Click Option 1: Edit and re-upload Main Document > Back to Upload Manuscript.
    You will be redirected to the Upload Manuscript submission step, where you can delete your main manuscript document and upload a new one.
  2. Alternatively, do the following:
    1. In the Option 2: Provide Title manually > Title field, enter the correct title.
    2. Click Confirm Title.
      You will be redirected to the Abstract submission step, from where you can continue your submission.
  3. Or, if you want to try again to select your title from the manuscript, click Nevermind, I'll select the Title from my Manuscript.
    You will be redirected to the Title submission step.