Create a Reviewer PDF

Note: The ability to create a reviewer PDF is not yet available for most journals.
  1. On the Final Review submission step, click Build Reviewer PDF.

    Only files that are intended for peer review, which are determined by their file designation, will be compiled into the reviewer PDF.

    PDF generation can take several minutes, depending on the number and size of files in the submission. A spinner is shown while the PDF is being compiled.

    You are not required to build or view the reviewer PDF. You can complete your submission without creating or downloading a Research Exchange-generated reviewer PDF.

  2. Once the reviewer PDF has been generated, click Download Reviewer PDF to view the PDF.
  3. If you are not satisfied with the generated reviewer PDF, do one of the following:
    1. Return to the Upload Manuscript step and make the required changes to your manuscript files, such as reordering or replacing them.
      You can repeat this process as many times as necessary.

      Once you complete your changes, click Final Review > Build Reviewer PDF again to rebuild the PDF so that it includes your latest changes before you submit your manuscript.

    2. Click Do not include the Reviewer PDF with my submission to reject the reviewer PDF.
      You will be prompted to provide feedback regarding why you were not satisfied with the PDF. The Research Exchange-generated reviewer PDF will not be included in the package sent to the journal. However, a PDF will still be generated by the peer review system.
    If Research Exchange fails to generate the reviewer PDF, follow these steps.
If Research Exchange is able to successfully generate the reviewer PDF, after you submit your manuscript, you can download the reviewer PDF from the manuscript's Submission Overview page.

You can download the reviewer PDF from this page even if you chose not to include it in the submission package.

A new reviewer PDF is generated at each submission or revision. You can download the PDF for each version of your manuscript from Submission Overview > History.

Once you are satisfied that everything is in order with your manuscript, complete your submission.