View a Submission You Co-authored
In such cases, when the manuscript is submitted, you will receive one of two email notifications:
- If the journal does not collect ORCID iDs for co-authors, you will receive a
notification with the subject,
Action Recommended: View your submission to {journal title}
, where{journal title}
is the title of the journal. - If the journal does collect ORCID iDs for co-authors, you will receive a
notification with the subject,
Action Recommended: Connect your ORCID iD to your submission {manuscript ID}
, where{manuscript ID}
is the submission's ScholarOne manuscript ID.
If you receive an email invitation to connect your ORCID iD, follow these steps.
For the first case, follow the instructions below.
In the email you received, click View submission.
You will be directed to the Research Exchange Submission website.
Log in to the Research Exchange Submission site.
Once you have logged in, you will be directed to the Submission
Overview page for the submission you co-authored.
The submission will also be included on your My Submissions page.Note: As a co-author, you may find that you cannot view older submissions that you co-authored for a specific journal from the My Submissions page. This is because the option to view co-authored submissions from this page applies only to submissions that are made after the date a journal makes this option available.