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Submission States (Statuses)
Submissions can have one of the states described in the table below.
For more information about any of these states, contact the journal's editorial office.
State | Description |
Accepted | The submission process has completed with an Accept decision. |
Accepted, Under Review for Production | The manuscript has been accepted, but additional updates may be requested. |
Accepted, Updates Requested | The manuscript has been accepted, but additional updates are required before it can be published. |
Draft | You have not yet submitted the manuscript. |
In Revision | The Editor has made a decision and requested that you revise the submission. |
Rejected | The submission process has completed with a Reject decision. |
Replaced | The submission has been resubmitted as new by a Research Exchange Submission admin and replaced by a newer submission. The submission card includes a link at the top to the submission that replaced it. |
Submitted | You have completed the submission steps, and the manuscript has been submitted to the journal. Once a manuscript is successfully submitted, a unique manuscript number is assigned automatically by the system. Normally, the corresponding author will be notified of the manuscript number via email. |
Under Review | The peer review process is underway. There are several factors that influence the time taken for review, most notably availability of article referees. Peer review times vary per manuscript. |
Withdrawn | You have withdrawn the manuscript for consideration, or an Editor has done so on your behalf. |