Submit a Revision

If the journal requires that you revise your manuscript, the journal's editorial office will send you an email with their decision letter.
Important: Do not submit revisions through a different application such as ScholarOne.

If you encounter difficulties while submitting your revision, contact Research Exchange Submission technical support.

  1. If the decision letter includes a link to Research Exchange Submission, do the following:
    1. Click the link.
      You will be redirected to Research Exchange Submission.
    2. Log in.
  2. If the decision letter does not include such a link, do the following:
    1. Navigate to Research Exchange Submission.
    2. Log in.
    3. On the My Submissions page, set Publication to the name of the journal and Submission Status to Open Submission Statuses.
    4. Locate the submission that requires a revision.
    5. Click Revise Submission.
  3. Click Upload Manuscript and follow these steps.
  4. Alternatively, click Request an extension underneath the due date to request an extension.
    Depending on how your device is configured, your email application, such as Gmail or Outlook, will launch so that you can email the journal's editorial office and request an extension. Alternatively, your device will prompt you to select which application should open the link.
  5. Optionally, click Show versions to view the previous versions of this manuscript.