Resume Submission of a Returned (Unsubmitted) Manuscript

If the journal has returned your manuscript to a draft state without issuing a decision on it, the journal's editorial office will send you a relevant email.
Note: Editorial emails regarding returned/unsubmitted manuscripts are not available in Research Exchange Submission.
  1. If the email includes a link to Research Exchange Submission, do the following:
    1. Click the link.
      You will be redirected to Research Exchange Submission.
    2. Log in.
  2. If the decision letter does not include such a link, do the following:
    1. Navigate to Research Exchange Submission.
    2. Log in.
    3. On the My Submissions page, set Publication to the name of the journal and Submission Status to Open Submission Statuses.
    4. Locate the manuscript.
      The manuscript will have the note, Returned to Draft.
    5. Click Resume Submission.
Review the editorial office's email to you, and make the necessary changes to your initial submission.