Something went wrong
Research Exchange Submission may display the Something went wrong
error for several reasons.

Cause 1: Same file used for both the main document and title page
For a submission that will be reviewed using double anonymized peer review, you have uploaded the same file for both the main document and title page, and Research Exchange Submission displays this error during the Authors submission step.
To resolve
- Return to the Upload Manuscript submission step.
- Delete the main document and title page files.
Upload a new version of each file.
Ensure that author-identifying information is included only in the title page and not the main document.
Cause 2: Selected keywords or research topics are too long
When answering the Keywords or Research Topics question during the Additional Information submission step, one or more of the keywords or research topics you entered or selected from a dropdown may be too long.
To resolve
- Select keywords or categories that are shorter in length.
- Alternatively, if the question is not required to proceed with the submission and you are comfortable not providing keywords for the manuscript, you can choose to not answer this question.
Other Causes
In some cases, it may be unclear why Research Exchange Submission displays the
Something went wrong
error. The root cause of the issue may
be something unrelated to your submission, such as a temporary connection
To resolve
- Reload the page.
- If that does not work, retry after a few minutes.
If the issue still persists, try the following:
- If performing the above steps does not resolve the issue, create a new submission.
- If all of the above fail to resolve the issue, contact Research Exchange Submission support.